Updated: Jun 30, 2022

Can I photocopy a book?

Not usually.  There are national and international laws that protect creators and authors so that only they have the right to reproduce their work. If anyone else makes a copy, it may be a case of copyright infringement or violation.

However there are instances where you can photocopy a book.  For example:

·         you may have asked and received permission from the author to reproduce the book

·         the book may be in the public domain

·         the book may have been published under a Creative Commons license with terms that permit photocopying

 You also may be allowed to photocopy a portion of a book.  Fair dealing, an exception under copyright law, allows certain uses of a work without having to ask permission from the owner/creator or having to pay a royalty for usage. You may be allowed to photocopy a portion of the text if you are using it for:

  • Criticism
  • Education
  • News
  • Reporting
  • Parody
  • Private Study
  • Review
  • Research
  • Satire

However, you still must evaluate your intended use under copyright guidelines to determine if your intended use if lawful.

To learn more about copyright and fair dealing please refer to our Copyright at UDST guide.

Additional CSS to remove default "Type a question" bar from this page only

Javascript to change title tag in <head> - otherwise the display name in browser tab will show <a href> link code because <title> is set by default to the h1 header, which we are manually linking back to root. This is not a user-modifiable setting in LibAnswers so we have to change it after the fact. The <head> tag loads before this javascript so it's set to run immediately rather than waiting for page to load. Change occurs basically instantaneously - users won't notice.

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